The importance of routine


Hi little one,

If you are surprised to find this blog post so soon after the previous one, don't be. I have set a weekly alarm on my calendar to write to you and hopefully your old man can stick to this schedule for once in his life. Today, I want to talk about something I realised very recently - The Importance of Routine 

I used to believe that magical inspiration and genius is the way to lead life, that the best moments of in life - your best dance performance, the hardest math problem you solve, the most tastiest dish you cook, your most touching poem all come in a spark of genius and in a flush of inspiration. That, our lives should not be tied into boring old routine doing the same mundane tasks easy day, everyday. I demeaned routine for lesser people, for people who could not see the magic in their lives. 

I have never been more wrong. 

I recently am practicing the violin, making it a bit more tougher each day, it is challenging, but I get a wee little bit better everyday. Routine is the most effective way to get better at almost anything. Consistent practice, each day, everyday and each time pushing yourself a little more harder. May the next dance be more elegant, the next math problem a little harder, the next dish a little more complicated. The flash of genius comes more to people inside that daily struggle of routine. Do not chase it.

I hope you become like the ants in the picture, small, but making progress in little steps each day. Be consistent and make it a little more tougher each time and you will get better at EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO DO. If you don't we will do it together. 



Quirky hate for something


The universe will give you back your flowers